This series is based on a vampire's diaries on fantacy world, its all about two brothers who are vampires known as the salvatiore. The eldest being Stephen who is in love with a mortal named Elena, and Elena is a key to break the curse of the oldest vampire, claus, who happens to also be a half warewolf. and since this the warewolf side of his is dorminant only Elena can trigger this curse..... But she is to loose her life for that or in other wise her family and the people she loves and care is in danger.. But also the second salvatore brother is in love with her to, he is ready to sacrifice his life for her even though she refused to let him help her....
This series revolves between two immortal bloodline that is between the warewolves and the vampires..And Elena is caught up in between them...Will Elena decide to choose her fate to either stay immortal or mortal for the rest of her life...This is a must watch series.

Here is the trailer to the series... season 1 pilot...